Toxic overload and a stagnant colon can feel like a lot of things: heavy, tired, bloated, emotional, angry, achey and just plain crummy. You might have issues with indigestion, ibs, food sensitivities, malabsorption and micronutrinet deficiencies. The good news is that you can feel better.
Supporting the body in its natural ability to detoxify is an important step in attaining and maintaining good health and wellness. After extensive training with the Association for Research and Enlightenment and many years of practicing colon hydrotherapy, Perzan Healing Arts has found the Edgar Cayce Colonic to be the BEST at achieving the health benefits our clients desire in the shortest amount of time.
If you're “Feeling old.” "Exhausted with no energy" or just "Wish I could be healthy enough to watch my grandchildren grow up.” know that regaining the vitality, energy and joy for life you once had is possible.